Ways Custom Photo Backdrops Can Improve Your Business

Posted on: 14 September 2021

As a photographer, you need to market your business consistently to remain relevant in the industry. While props and makeup are effective for showcasing your creativity, consider custom-designed photography backdrops. Custom backdrops usually provide the exact background you need for on-site and studio photo sessions. Here is how a custom photo backdrop can improve your business. Showcase Your Flexibility Clients are always attracted to a photographer who's creative and flexible in their photography work.
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4 Reasons To Order Professional Headshots For Your Staff

Posted on: 23 July 2021

Should your small business take professional headshots of staff members? Many small business owners know the value of taking and using business photos of themselves as a promotional and branding element, but have you considered the importance of adding other staff members' photos? And the value of using professionals to take all your headshots? Here are a few reasons to order photos from a pro.  1. Professional Photos Are Unified
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Professional Headshots for Your Business: How to Get Ready For the Photoshoot

Posted on: 7 June 2021

When your business needs professional headshots of you and your employees, do you need to do anything specific to prepare for the photography session? There are a few things to consider, although one of the more important things to remember is that it's possible to overthink it, which can shift the tone of the photos to one which might not accurately reflect your business.  Corporate Photos It's important to remember that these headshots are corporate photos.
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What To Know About Purchasing A Lens For Your DSLR Camera

Posted on: 22 March 2021

Are you purchasing your first DSLR camera and need to purchase lenses for it? If so, it will help to know the differences between the main types of lenses out there.  Kit Lens A kit lens is a common term used to describe the standard lens that comes with your camera. It is small and inexpensive, and it also has a variable aperture. It helps you get the job done and get great results with your photography, but it does have its drawbacks.
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