
  • Understanding The Basics Of Storyboards

    Storyboards allow you to tell a visual narrative of the story you're creating for your video or other production. It gives you a path to follow as you create your final product, ensuring that you complete the story as you've envisioned it. If you've got a vision for your story but aren't sure how to bring it to life, here's a look at what you should know about how a storyboard can help.
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  • How to Choose Between Crop-Sensor and Full-Frame DSLRs

    If you're in the market for a new DSLR (or digital single-lens reflex camera), the various options can be a little overwhelming. DSLRs are becoming more affordable and accessible to amateurs and professionals alike. Many consumers end up buying a camera with a lot of features that they never use. On the other end, many customers choose a camera and then regret not having the capabilities of a more expensive model.
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